COMPANY:          PROJECT:   
kipsTotal load, includes the weight of vessel, trays, insulation, piping, rigging, etc. TIP: use 10 kips as initial input value, see examples in Pre-Designed Lugs below
degAngle of the left sling. Use the smallest sling angle if CG is off center
inHorizontal distance, bearing to bearing on a duplex crane hook
inDistance from the CG to the top left lug
inDistance from the CG to the top right lug
inDistance from the centerline of the bar to the centerline of the top lugs. See "A" in Pre-Designed Lugs
inDistance from the CG to the bottom left lug
inDistance from the CG to the bottom right lug
inLength of the spreader bar, overall
SELECT: Pipe, Square Tubing, Beams(non-compact/compact with lengths < Lu)
Note: Lu for the beams in the lookup table is based on Fy = 36 ksi (See Lu in the HELP file)
lbs/ft Weight per foot for structural member
inRadius of gyration, r (use ry for beams) See help file.
in^2Cross-sectional area of metal, A
in^3Section Modulus, Sx
in^4Moment of inertia, Ix
ftLu (This input value is required for beams only, enter 1.00 for pipe and tubes)
ksiYield stress (Fy), Mild steel = 30 ksi, A36 steel = 36 ksi
Impact Factor, I.F., Recommend using a minimum of 1.8


inDistance, CG to top left lug for zero moment due to angle of top sling. Reenter as input
inDistance, CG to top right lug for zero moment due to angle of top sling. See help file
inDistance from centerline of the left lug hole to bearing on the hook
inDistance from centerline of the right lug hole to bearing on the hook
inVertical rigging height from centerline of top lugs to bearing on hook
degAngle of the right sling
kipsTension in the top left inclined sling
kipsTension in the top right inclined sling
kipsCompression in the bar due to the influence of the slings
kip-inMoment due to the deflection of the bar due to self weight
kip-inMoment due to compression force and the offset top lugs. See Help file.
kip-inMoment due to the self weight of the bar
kip-inNet bending moment in the bar
ksiAxial stress, actual , fa
ksiAxial stress, allowable, Fa
ksiBending stress, actual, fb
ksiBending stress, allowable, Fb
Combined stress check, must be less than 1.00. Includes impact factor I.F.